This was pretty dumb because at the end of the day seeing my views increase to 1000+ was exciting, but writing about cliched matters that the majority of my twitter followers/facebook friends will click on is boring which is why I wasn't motivated to write.
This is for me and it'll be lovely if others read and delight in sharing views/opinions, but if not I'm not going to make this feel like a task in order to raise my view count.
'Don't run before you can walk'
is something I hear often. With 2015 beginning everyone is setting themselves new goals and raising ambitions along with self doubt soon to be approaching. Everyone doubts their abilities at some point, this is fair enough as we can't all be constantly self confident - if you are, how!?!? - but the issue is when you allow others to encourage the doubting of yourself!
Ever been told by a parent not to aim so high as they don't want you to be disappointed? Or by a friend that things may not work out as well as you're planning? Sometimes we do get ahead of ourselves, but from witnessing those around me be put down time and time again it seems as though we believe the negative and dismiss the positive far too often!!
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When we listen to the voices around us, follow and believe them, we are giving our power away to others, or even to our own fears.
Firstly, any friend or family member that regularly leaves you with that 'oh :(' feeling isn't doing their job properly. Everyone has had that friend in the past that leaves you feeling uncertain of achievements or snidely criticises you a little too often. But why should this have ANY impact on your motivation or self belief?? What gives them a better insight to your future?? Nothing.
If anything, people doubting you should serve as MOTIVATION:
* someone underestimating or overestimating your size motivating you to continue gaining or losing weight
* a friend not-so-jokingly implying you lack intelligence motivating you to do better in exams
* a parent claiming you'll fail if you don't start working harder
* someone claiming you're not over him/her encouraging you to move past the past
* doubts that you can't recover from a bad-patch
- you get the point...
Lately putting one another down just seems to be an issue, whether it be slut-shaming (don't get me started) or trying to protect others from failure a little too much.
If you want to do something, and you believe you can, go for it. Don't let others - or yourself - assume failure when you have every chance of succeeding!!
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